Site Updates

This page was last edited 10/21/02

Come to the page frequently?  Here's a list of the updates as I do them so you'll know where to look for changes.  I work on the page daily and there are a lot of little 'fixits' and 'additions' so I'll just put the major stuff here.  Such pages as the Pubs page and Personal Diaries pages constantly get updates as I find them.

01/04/2002 Did a lot of updating in the last year.  No time to do this page.
03/19/2001 Spring Spring reminders.
03/19/2001 Entertainment Updated Dish link
03/18/2001 KCArea Added new site in Peculiar.
03/04/2001 Salvage Additions/updates
03/01/2001 Pubs Additions/updates
02/24/2001 Plumbing Made corrections - spelling
02/08/2001 Rig Select I-35 Out of Business
01/27/2001 Entertainment Added local channel sat info.
01/24/2001 Misc RVs Expanded this list extensively.
01/12/2001 Electrical Added voltage drop info.
12/28/2000 Trips Started 2001 page.
12/28/2000 Trips 2000 Closed out 2000 Trips page.
12/09/2000 Rig Added step wiring info.
09/11/2000 Rig Added Brake Guard information.
09/11/2000 KCArea Added Grove, OK... expanding 'a little farther'
09/03/2000 KCArea Added several more sites.
09/01/2000 TravelAreas Added link for Yellowstone News.
08/29/2000 Pubs Added link for parents travel page.
08/29/2000 Thoughts Added Thoughts about Wal-Mart.
08/28/2000 Entertain Added broadcast network information link.
08/27/2000 Campgear Added BackPackNews link.
08/27/2000 Outside Added insect and animal pages.
08/27/2000 Camps Added an Arizona listing for Rim Country.
08/27/2000 Salvage Added as a resource for obsolete parts listings.
08/27/2000 KCArea Added several sites around Atchison, KS including Bean Lake.
08/27/2000 Manufacturers Alphabetizing and adding sites.
08/27/2000 Pubs Alphabetizing and adding sites.
08/26/2000 KCArea Added five (5) additional camp sites in the KC area.
08/22/2000 KCArea Added three (3) additional camp sites in the KC area.
08/22/2000 Clubs Added club information for Carol and Roy.
08/22/2000 Fire Added fire safety web page.
08/16/2000 Pubs Added Dicor site.
08/16/2000 Pets Added pet law information from Florida as a general guide.
08/15/2000 Books Added RV towing laws handbook information.
08/15/2000 2000 Trips Added Crossroads RV pictures.
08/14/2000 Pubs Updating and rearranging page entirely.
08/14/2000 Diaries Added to the page and Vince & Ann's RV Connection page.
08/12/2000 Camps Added Courtland, KS and Belleville, KS.
08/11/2000 Rig Added Smoke Alarm information.
08/11/2000 Wyoming Trip Added page for trip to Gillette, Wyoming in August, 2000
08/10/2000 Rig Added stained glass windows and fire safety information.


© 2001 Roy Timberman
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