Roy has been instrumental in developing the following webs.  Roy has also developed an internal information site for internet computers that has literally hundreds of instructional and informational pages.  I use it as a quick reference for tasks that I don't do every day.  I also did the informational pages for, my Internet service.

In many cases the web sites are owned by Roy...

Owned  and Developed by Roy:

KC Source - (com/net/org)  I own these sites and am using them as my base for the other webs that I have put on line.  There is no web page currently for KCSource.

RVAid - (com/net/org)  Currently point to the site but RVAid will have under it subwebs that will support the efforts of RVers that want to put up a courtesy web page at no cost.

Last Rites - Web page for Professional Escorts, Inc. a funeral escort company.

Futurecorp - Futurecorp is a site using a name that I have had some inspiration in using since I was a child.  Hopefully it will someday be a 'holding' company for other companies that I own.  For now it is just a fun site for me to experiment with.

Van Horn - Van Horn was my high school and this page has over 12,000 pictures of students on it that graduated from 1956 to current. - A site that I have owned for many years and that is currently for sale... and nothing more. - Internet service provider in the greater Kansas City Area.  Provides dial-up Internet service, along with web hosting, etc. - An undeveloped web site that I may or may not do something with.

KCLaw - A site that is currently empty.

Tyrell - is a domain name acquired from a business purchase.  It is for sale.

Developed by Roy:

SEKCMO - A high school site developed for a friend who graduated from SouthEast High School in Kansas City - 1965.  The graduates didn't seem to give hoot about it and the web name of was discontinued by my friend.  I have moved the work to a subweb under my site KCSource.  Didn't want to waste all that work!  Addendum: My friend... Thomas Stoltz passed away July 3, 2004.  Tom was a very good friend and the loss was felt deeply by myself and my family.

Gower, MO - Did a page for the Gower High School.

Amanda - Helped one of my granddaughters out with a little web page.

Jacob - Did this page for my new grandson Jacob Tyler Gustin.

Kinsey - Did this page for my granddaughter Kinsey Jordan Farmer

Several friends display their web pages for free on my server:

Sparkware - Mark Herring is a computer programmer for the state of Tennessee.  He plays with web pages a bit.

Melonman - Another friend like to grow the big ones.

USBBS - Brent is still doing the BBS list for the world.  It seems almost a waste but apparently there is still some interest in the BBS world.

Kreegerville - Friend Keith Kreeger is just playing a bit with his web page.

My2002tii - Friend Keith Kreeger has a old BMW project that he's working on.


© 2001 Roy Timberman
All trademarks are property of their respective owners.