Roy's RVing
w/Family and Friends

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The RV gets a 'winter' break...
What you'll find here are the RVing experiences of Roy
and Carol...
Our Goal: Enjoy seeing America with our family and friends!
Note: I can no longer spend the time it takes to directly support the old browsers with
no frame pages. What I have done is maintain this link so that you might still get to each
and every page from the bottom of this one. Use your 'back' icon to return here and then
go to the next page if necessary.
We're rejoining the RVing world after a 15 year hiatus!
This is the start of what I hope to be somewhat of a diary of our experiences.
It will include hints, suggested necessities, and some startup help for
the new RV enthusiast! I'll try to give you a list of necessities and a list of
'extras' that make life easier, along with a list of expensive dream world items.
I'll also try to let you know what Roy and Carol ended up with. This is not an
attempt to befuddle you with a vast amount of information... thus scaring you away from
RVing. It is just a simple fact that the initial purchase of your RV requires some
additional equipment to get full usage out of it, much as with any hobby you might choose.
Each RVer must set up their unit to fit their needs. A wonderful
world in which all of us can get exactly what we want and need to have fun RVing.!
Things I hope to cover include but are not limited to startup equipment lists
w/suggestions and manufacturers part numbers, equipment costs and fuel costs.
Various items to be covered will be relative to the rig itself, electrical and plumbing
requirements, accessories for a camp experience around the rig, towing your vehicle, food
stuff, and of course the pure luxury of it all! We might even get into camp sites
around the US and their facilities and other camping experiences available to the Midwest
crowd, camping clubs and other family experiences. Time will be the key factor in
what I can present... In all cases it is appropriate for you to consult with the
appropriate experts in the business to help you get going. My offerings here are
only suggestions and reports on what I've found in my RV experience.
Please note that at any part of the presentation that I have attempted
to put in the hyperlinks whenever appropriate or whenever available. That doesn't
mean that I caught them all but I'm doing my best. I'm trying to give you some help
on where to get the products and what I might suggest you get. They will show up as
a site with a line under them and they'll be in some other color than the other printing
so you can pick them out. Just click on them to go there and then use the back key
to get back to my pages. Again, these are only suggestions. Remember, there
are many solutions to your needs. All of them cannot be presented.
Rig Selection 'Fixup' Trips
Clubs/Activities Maintenance Publications/Internet
Personal Thoughts and Observations
Roy's RVing Site Map Additional Pictures
Email: Roy
Roy's Personal Page