Link Information

The links on Roy's RVing were placed there because they were real and they worked.  Updating links is a tremendous job and there are actually companies now that have made it their business to do this for a fee since it is tough to try to keep up with them.

Some links go away completely and others have a forward to a new link or a notice that there is a new link.  If an Internet service just goes away, it is virtually impossible for the web page owner to put in these forward links.  If an Internet service is sold then there is more likely a chance for the web page owner to put in such a link because the acquiring company gets the old web name.

In some cases the web developer, in his infinite wisdom or inexperience, did absolutely no planning and changed the web page links so the page that I have marked for you doesn't come up but the master site may still be there.  In these cases just remove the specific page info and go to the primary link and you may still have a page to view.
(Example: would become )

Another suggestion is to do a search on the web using one of the major search engines like,,, or for the item or information being presented.  If the information is still available, that search may reveal another source that is working.

Another thing the web developers are now doing is using Microsoft ASP (Active Server Pages) for their site.  In these cases pages are no longer called up by a standard URL link.  They are called up from the primary page using ASP.  In each of these cases the original link will probably not work and you'll need to go to the primary link to get to the page.

If a link is broken... EMAIL me and I'll either put in a replacement link or remove the link.  I have a program that checks for broken links when I get a chance to run it.  Time is the key word here.

In many cases I am repairing the links so that the primary page is what is presented and then you will be able to find the required link from that master page.  This keeps it simple and is absolutely necessary when ASP is being used on the page.

Happy RVing!

Roy Timberman


As a side note... some links go away and the main site such as Geocities will still link you up to their site but essentially tell you that the site you're looking for is no longer there, has been moved, etc.  They are simply trying to advertise their service while giving you this information.  This is a legitimate business practice and I didn't make this happen.

In other cases I have seen a well known domain name not be renewed by the owner of that web name and thus the web name is 'available'.  Pornographic sites are buying these previously well known names and linking it to their filthy sites because they automatically get web surfing traffic.  I can't make that change either.  All I can do is to remove the site link.