Video Switch Selection

The Magnedyne video switch has a combination of three inputs and outputs.

The outputs are the TV1 (Front TV), TV2 (Back TV), and VCR (Video Cassette Recorder).

The inputs are ANT (Antenna), VCR (Video Cassette Recorder), and AUX which can be any type of input you want, most commonly the satellite input.

The switch has the TV1 & TV2 selection areas on the front of it, along with a VCR selection area.

If you want to watch on either TV1 or TV2 the instructions are the same:

Antenna:  Push the ANT button on the switch for the TV you want to watch and select the station that is locally available off the air.

VCR:  Push the VCR button on the switch for the TV that you want to watch and go to channel 3 to see the movie.

Satellite:  Push the AUX button on the switch for the TV you want to watch and go to channel 3.  Then select the station on the satellite receiver the you want to watch.

RECORDING:  If you want to record something on the VCR simply select the source on the switch area next to the VCR settings.  It will be ANT or AUX.  On ANT you will record from the local antenna TV stations and from the AUX you will record from the selection on the satellite.  If you are recording from the satellite then you must choose channel three (3) on the VCR so that the VCR will 'see' that channel just like you do on the TV.  Other channels are selected from the ANT setting just like you would if you were watching the TV.