MARCH 2000
Yes indeed, camping season of 2000 is here. Our first camp-out is March 17-19th, at Wallace State Park--Cameron, MO. As in times past, we have rented the enclosed shelter house, this has been done again this year. The building is available all day Saturday, so just in case Mother Nature doesn't provide good weather, we can go there. Potluck meal for Saturday evening, eating at 5:30 PM. Keep in mind it is St. Patrick Day, Friday the17th. We will be having several Coachmen units at the camp-out this time. KC Coachmen, our sister Club, will be joining us. Judy Parker will have some games lined up for all of us to join in with, after supper.
I would like to have our meeting Saturday--10AM. I will need to leave early Sunday morning to go back to the city, for church.
For April's camp-out, 7-9th, Thelma, our Club's treasurer, has made and paid for 10 sites at Bennett Springs. This will be on the lower level. Three of us have already paid, so there are 7 left. There are more available sites in other areas of the park. Call Thelma, 816-690-6872 for all the info.
Check your calendar/schedule, we will need to finalize the count for our May's camp-out at Pomme de Terre. Thelma will also be making these reservations. Reminder--if you request a reservation, you are responsible for payment regardless if you show or not.
If you have any (Beef) raffle ticket money, please bring and turn into Thelma. If anyone needs more tickets, please give Jim & I a call.
Once again this year we will be having our 50/50 pot at each meeting. Bring your dollars! Richard Stone will be in charge of this.
Thanks to each of you that helped at the RV Show. It was greatly appreciated by our Sponsor, John Dryden. John also reminded us of the upcoming Kansas Rally, June 9-11th, at Lnydon, KS. He would like to see as many of us as possible to attend and support this rally.
There was an extra picture put on our picture board, we had on our table at the RV Show. Ruth Ann
Francis & Roy Timberman, would you two know anything about this. It seems that Roy found a senior picture of Ruth Ann and just happened to have a copy of it. What will you two do next? :-) :-)Our meeting and activity for last month was very successful. I think and hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Some of the things that was discussed and voted on in our meeting was the Club's raffle for the State Rally, June 16-18th. We will be having items donated by our members for a Camper's Care Package. This will consist of any items that can be use in the camper. The only expense we will have will be the baskets for the items to go in. It was also voted on to give $30 for a door prize at the State Rally. It will be divided into three envelopes of $10 each.
Please make sure your International dues are paid up to date. There are several that are due this year. You can obtain this information by contacting the Caravan office at 1-888-422-2582. Your International dues must be paid to be a member of a Club.
Dorothy (Mom) Torrens had surgery on the 24th of February. She is now back home, at her unit in Kenwood Park. She is doing much better and hoping to see all of us at Bennett Springs in April.
Hope all you February birthday people had a wonderful day! Happy belated Birthday to:
Dorothy (Mom) Torrens--8th, Ryan Kruse--25th, Sylvia Strasil--25th and Jr Strasil--27th. Also happy belated Anniversary to: Ed & Cathy Campbell--2nd and Jr & Sylvia Strasil--26th.
Happy Birthday to our March people: Chris Campbell--8th, Sue Oberweather--12th and Madalyne Vonderschmidt--12th.
See you at
Your President
Jim & Jo Walls